Fate Grand Order is an internet free-to-play game developed in Japan. it's played in Japan, the united states, Canada and lots of other parts of the world. Once you've got that, then you'll be ready to play the sport. But sometimes you'll forget about the account password or lost the access to your FGO account. Then you'll choose the – Fate Grand Order account recovery na. These are the following step.
Open the My room menu.
choose data Transfer.
you will then need to indicate a password that you'll use to load the saved game progress on the new device. the secret should be 4-12 alphanumeric characters long. make sure to verify the password within the second field.
Once the transfer code is issued, you will be able to copy the code onto your work surface, then select shut. The system can currently get on the market to be wont to transfer your saved game progress. Note that each code will solely be used once. this means that you simply can produce another transfer code and password once you have got touched your saved game progress on another device already.
On the new device, open the Fate Grand Order (FGO) game application and choose information Transfer on the title screen.
Enter the transfer code and your password to load the progress in your service.
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